Sunday, August 16, 2009

Valiant Bride/ Brides Of Montclair Series- Jane Peart

Valiant Bride is one of the most read on my bookshelf. I am not lying for I can read this book over and over again. The book talks about a young lady (17) by the name of Noramary Marsh. She wakes up one morning to find out the her sister, who was to marry Duncan Montrose of Montclair, had run off with her french tutor and married him instead, while still engaged to Duncan!
Noramary's dreams crashed for she was madly in love with Robert Stedd who was studying to be a doctor, and that she was going to marry as soon as he inherits his inheritance.
But, God had other plans.

I won't tell you the rest for I want you to keep in suspense. :)
I very much recommend that you read this book. It is filled with teary sadness and wonderful happiness. I hope you find this book and read it.
Happy reading days!!!

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