Sunday, August 29, 2010


Lately I have been wishing that Christmas was already here. I so badly want to video myself playing the piano that way I could post stuff on YouTube like tutorials and covers ect.
So, I'v already written my wishlist. I mean, you might as well get a head start right? Lol.
Here it is!!!

  1. Phone with unlimited texting with a camera
  2. Phone with unlimited texting with a camera
  3. Phone with unlimited texting with a camera
  4. Phone with unlimited texting with a camera
  5. Phone with unlimited texting with a camera

So, its a pretty short list huh? Lol. I just hope I get at least ONE thing....and I also really hope that Santa dosen't skip my house like he did last year...and the year before that.....and the year before that..... [get the idea?]

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