Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Years Resolution?

I went to a youth rally recently(The 15th) and they had a thing where the youth groups bring a video of their new years resolution. My youth group didn't do it because we didn't really get it.

So I was thinking today, why not do it anyway? So my New Years Resolution is to GET GOING FOR THE LORD!! What's yours? Leave a comment. I would love to know!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Let the Waters Rise

God's love is the biggest thing anybody could ever have in their possession.
His love is stronger than the strongest earthquake.
His love is the best thing anybody could have.
It is better than wealth or success.
As you walk through life, there's a raging sea right in front of you.
It is threatening to pull you in and make you give up.
Your world is caving in.
You don't have a clue on what to do.
Why don't you give it to God. Give all your troubles to God. Give everything He has ever given to you back. A lady said, "My son was dying and I spent all my spare time in the chapel and I would pray. I told God, "I gave my life to you, I can't give his because its not mine to give. And he said, His life is already mine." And right after that moment, my son got better.
Give God your life. Follow him. He will lead and He will rebuild your life. He will protect you. He's the best thing anybody could ever have.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

God's Creations

Have you ever noticed how spectacular flowers are? Their petals, so perfectly shaped from the Father's Hand.

Their colors, perfectly blended. So, beautiful are they.

God's creations........

....are so awesome.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Black and White

Some black and white, some color. Ever noticed how pretty it looks?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Came across this on YouTube this morning.

If I was deaf, I'd hear your voice.
If I was blind, I'd see your face.
If I was mute, I'd speak your name.
If I was lame, I'd walk in faith.
If I was numb, I'd feel your grace.
If I was dead, I'd know my place.
I gain my sense, from being true.

Because these things, all come from you

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Nosey Tinker

Pics speak for themselves however....I added a caption.

"Oooo....I wonder what's in here? Let's see..."
"Cool.....looks like a great place to hide!"

"Hehe...look at me!"
"Ouch...that hurt."

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Dress Up.....again?

This time....a wedding! I should have posted this last year but I just never got around to it. Here is my cute little friend....Tinker and my other friend Samson!


Wigs, Jewlery, DRESS UP TIME!!!

Ya....I know that its late but there is nothing I have to do that's important on Sunday so I figured.....why not play a little game of dress up? Make sure you look real good at Tinker's wig. Its a Paula Young wig I found in the shed. Dosen't she look cute? Wait....don't answer, I already know. OF COURSE SHE"S CUTE...In a matter of fact....SHE"S ADORABLE!!!!

P.S. The only thing is that I don't think she is very happy playing dress up.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

No snow in Florida so we're having a bon-fire!

Good ol' Florida. January 2nd and there is NO SNOW! Ya, I'd was getting COLD when you move away from the fire. Tonight, it is going to be 29 degrees which means we are going to have a freeze . Not good for my garden plants so I covered my plants with some warm blankets and I'm really hoping they won't die. Here are some pictures of the fire we had today!

Pretty nice and warm looking.........and it was fun roasting(Actually, I burned just about every marshmallow I tried roasting. Till don't have the "Roasting Marshmallow" thing accomplished) marshmallows. I also got a bunch of sticks and made a sad looking tepee out of them and had a little fire going some feet away from the fire pictured above. Reason why I made my own little fire... was because the big fire was way too hot for my liking.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Bow the Knee

I came across this beautiful song on YouTube. Its called "Bow the Knee" and these are the lyrics.

There are moments on our journey following the Lord
When God illumines ev’ry step we take.
There are times when circumstances make perfect sense to us,
As we try to understand each move He makes.
But when the path grows dim
And our questions have no answers, turn to Him.


Bow the knee;
Trust the heart of your Father
When the answer goes beyond what you can see.
Bow the knee;
Lift your eyes toward heaven
And believe the One who holds eternity.
When you don’t understand the purpose of His plan,
In the presence of your King, bow the knee.

There are days when clouds surround us, the rain begins to fall,
And the cold and lonely winds won’t cease to blow.
And there seems to be no reason for the suffering we feel;
We are tempted to believe God doen't not know.
When the storms arise, don’t forget we live by faith and not by sight.

[Chorus x2]